Wednesday 28 September 2016

Clown Game Idea

Genre of the Game:

The genre of the clown game will definitely be a first person shooter game as we are going to be killing killer clowns, this could mean being killed with any object or gun we can think up of. For example some of the clowns could have foreign objects like baseball bats or some clown related item and be picked up by the player and used against them if the player runs out of ammo for example or just wants to mix up the gun fight game play with something a little more different and unique.

Levels Within the Game:

I think the first level of the game will be the player outside at night standing near a, what seems to be, an abandoned circus tent, the player then enters the circus tent to find that its actually bigger on the inside than the outside and is trapped inside. From here the player has to navigate around the twisted circus tent killing anything that comes in his path and trying to survive all of the demented killer clowns chasing after him. I think there will be multiple levels within the game itself as you progress further into the clown tent bringing up different encounters with clowns and even harder to kill bigger boss like clowns maybe at the end of all the levels.

Character Models:

One of the main character models for the game will obviously be a clown, I will also need to make the main protagonists which we haven't decided on yet. We will also need extras such as builders and people in Graveyards and Shop fronts. If we are going on the movie we will also need the old man and his dog outside the Circus tent. We might be able to reuse some of the models like the Clowns because if we just change the colours of their clothes and maybe face paint colours then the Clown will look completely different, maybe even alter their height or weight.


YouTube Video:

This is the link to my Graveyard Prototype I made in Unreal Engine 4:

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