Next, I textured these 3 Templates with the appropriate texture. As you can see in the below image, I have changed the materials on all 3 Sides so I can essentially trace my model around the image.
After that, I started extruding and moving the cube around which will eventually be my model. I moved it using the Panel Layout Tool or by pressing Space Bar which shows me a Perspective, Front, Top and Side views. As you can see, I have had to move the Top View image out a tiny bit because it wasn't in line with the others. I have also applied a Transparent material to my Cube so I can see through it and trace around the base image.
Next I started to begin modelling the Torso. By using the Scale and Move tool and just solely selecting the Vertices of the Model I can essentially mould my shape however I want. You can already it start to see it taking shape of a Torso just by following the lines within the image. I have also added an Edge Loop going down the centre of the Torso, the Edge Loop just adds another line so I have more ways to mould my model, it will also come in handy later when I'm rounding out my model.
In the next step, I began to start modelling the waist, neck and also the head. As you can see in the below screenshot, the model is beginning to resemble more and more like an actual human shape. The head looks fairly jagged and blocky still at the moment but it will be all smoothed out at the end. To model these bits I just again used the similar tools; Extrude to pull out new bits of the model, Move to move around certain edges or vertices, Scale to change the shape of certain edges and vertices and finally the Edge Loop tool to add new edges for a smoother and more precise finish.
In the Next Step, I had to delete half of what I have done. This way when I select the remaining side, I can select Edit>Duplicate Special and make sure it's set to Instance and -1.00 for the scale setting. I do this because from now on everything I extrude or Scale on one side will be duplicated on the other side, this is helpful because I won't have to do each leg and arm for instance and also that I know that both legs will be identical this way.
Then I began modelling the legs, this is a fairly simple step because as I stated previously I only needed to do one leg and the other would automatically be duplicated. I also began modelling the foot. Like before the main tools I used was the Scale, Move and Extrude. I have also added in more Edge Loops so I can round out the leg to make it look more human.
In this step, I started modelling the arms, I used the same techniques as in my previous steps. I added a Edge Loop all the way down the arm for ease in rounding it out later.
Next, I started to create the hand, it looks a little bit stupid at the moment because its just one long arm but I am going to now start to make the fingers and thumb. To get to this step I just extruded out the arm into the wrist and from the wrist, extruded out into the hand. I have also added edge loops for extra rounding later and Scale and Move tools to make sure everything is in line according the Base Image.
As you can see in this next screenshot I have progressed fairly well with the fingers and I have completed the thumb. In order to mould to thumb I extracted from the hand using the faces and rotated the thumb to sit inline with my image. I had to move the Rotate Axis using the Insert Key. Next I started making the fingers, using again the Extract tool I modelled the index finger. In order to make the other fingers I will just Mesh Tools>Extract the finger to make it a separate object and then Duplicate (Ctrl+D) it instead of having to make each finger, this will save a lot of time.
Now I am nearly finished, I have just completed the hand with all the fingers, I just duplicated each finger and scaled it down and moved them around so they are all fitting properly. In order to connect the fingers to the hand, I firstly combined the fingers to the hand and then used the Append to Polygon Tool to seal a gap between the hand and fingers. As you can see, it turned out fine.
This is my final screenshot, I have just duplicated the other half of the body and combined them together just as I did with the fingers. I then pressed 3 which smoothed out everything and made it all look clean and good.
Personally, I feel great about my model, the only thing I would change is it if I had more time I would of textured it accordingly. I am happy about how it looks though. The roundness of the head is good as I was slightly worried it would look too cubey at the end.
Harry Hopkins reviewed my project and said "Very good model, very ambitious could be textured but I don't really mind because the model makes up for it!"
Harry Hopkins reviewed my project and said "Very good model, very ambitious could be textured but I don't really mind because the model makes up for it!"
YouTube Video
This is the link to my Graveyard Prototype I made in Unreal Engine 4:
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