Tuesday 29 November 2016

Clown Game Map

This is my Map for my Clown Game, this is the top down perspective, as you can see there is a Circus Tent, Abandoned building, a Road and a Car Park. I have also marked where the character will spawn in the game.

To create the Circus Tent, I made a circle shape and coloured it Red and Yellow like a standard Circus Tent. Across from that I made an abandoned building by making a rounded square shape and adding a little alcove off the side of it. I didn't really know how to draw it with a 3 Dimensional Perspective so I just drew some Chimney pipes on top with Yellow Circles, I then drew a little shape for the roof, this could be an Air Conditioning outlet or something.

Over the road you can see a Car Park, this location will incorporate a few battle scenes because it's an open landscape, this could even be where the first battle is and could be used as like a Tutorial area. In the real game there would probably be some Cars in the Car Park that have been abandoned. This could offer some cover from the Clowns. The road going from the car park, to the East is the road leading to the cemetery. The Cemetery is essentially the second level and is where most of the big fighting scenes will take place. There will probably be a swarm of Clowns there and you will have the fight off waves of them.

This is the first person perspective and what you will actually see during game-play, this picture shows the Circus Tent and the Abandoned Building, as you can see the building is a lot more detailed from this view. To create this I made a Curved Square shape again and put a alcove on top of the building, from this view you can't see the other alcove but using the other view, you know it's there. I have detailed the building to the best of my abilities. I have used graffiti on the building to portray a derelict/vacant theme. The windows have also been smashed probably by a rock or maybe from the Clowns shooting. The door has been broken at the bottom so people can crawl in because chances are it was locked.

YouTube Video

This is the link to my Graveyard Prototype I made in Unreal Engine 4:


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