Tuesday 26 April 2016

Answering Questions

So what did you think of the assignments?

They were okay, some were pretty hard. I found the Space Invaders game to be my best piece of work as it didnt require a lot of coding. The Brainbox game was difficult because it was very involved and required a lot of time to be put into it, I didn't have much time to complete it so it was left unfinished.

How would you rate the assignments in terms of difficulty?

The space invaders game was fairly easy to pick up as it didn't need a lot of coding, the Brainbox was tougher as I didn't have a lot of time to work on it. Ive learnt a lot of stuff such as some basic coding and also a lot of Drag and Drop things. I knew next to nothing at the start of the year in regards to Game Making so to be able to create a full working Space Invaders clone is a big achievement.

In the Space Invaders game, name one thing you learned during its development.

In the Space Invaders game I learnt pretty much most of what I know now, it is where I learnt the most things. I learnt how to basic code and also advanced my knowledge in the D&D system.

In the maze game name one thing you learned during this assignment.

In the maze game I learnt some extra things to the space invaders game but not a lot of new things as I pretty much took most of my knowledge from that into this game. I learnt how to make Title screens more effectively and added some buttons for a restart and quit section.

Did you learn any maths during this experience? These assignments?

Well I do Maths as a seperate subject alongside this course so... no?

Do you think you gained any maths when you did any puzzles for the maze game?

Not really no, I only managed to do the first 2 maths questions as I didnt have a lot of time so the Maths was fairly easy at that point.

How do you rate your maths? What GCSE grade have you got etc?

I rate my maths poorly, I don't like Maths, I am predicted a C and I achieved a C in my recent mock exam so I guess I'm on target.

How hard did you find the maths during these assignments?

Not very, I didn't really do any Maths except for my maze game and as I said it was pretty basic.

Do you think your opinion towards Maths has changed?

No, I still hate it.


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